We automatically email you whenever your order status changes; please check your spam folder as well.
To view your current order status, log in to your shop account: ORDER STATUS
[status]: AWAITING PAYMENT CONFIRMATION – Order places properly.Payment details was send or will be send in 24h by mail ( always check spam). You must pay for the order and confirm the payment by opening suport ticket.
[status]: Payment confirmation in progress – We have got your details, please give us max 24h (excluding weekends and holidays) to confirm if all is ok.
[status]: Payment details confirmed – We’ve accepted your details, payment is processing.It may take some time to pick it. From now (by our policy) we have 6 working days to ship your order.
[status]: Package is being prepared to ship – We have your money, order was sent to warehouse to packing and shipping, soon you will get tracking # from us.
[status]: Order shipped – Means that your order has been shipped out and tracking number was sent by mail and now it’s showing on your shop account in order details. Your colected points are available to use in next order.
[status]: Order was divided – Means that your order was split into 2 (or more) packages, first was already sent and next will be send shortly on your second address ( if be provided to us by you). More details you will get by mail/ticket support.
[status]:Payment error – Means that your payment has an issue , in that case we’ll create a ticket with all details , ticket will show on your account in ticket section.
[status]: Order canceled – Means that your order has been canceled , we never receiverd any payment details from you, in that case just put a new order or if you sent us already money please provide paymebt details.
Payment confirmation for your order is outstanding. To confirm, access your Order History, identify the corresponding order ID, click ‘Confirm Payment‘ and complete the form. Your actual orders are accessible via this link: ORDERS HISTORY
You will find all the necessary information HERE: HOW TO SEND BITCOINS
Visit a local Western Union or Moneygram point.
– Complete a simple “Send Money” form, ask agent if you need assistance
– You must pay with cash only
– Choose “Cash Pickup”
– Western Union or Moneygram will charge you a money transfer fee
– You will be given an 10 digit reference number (WU)or 8 digits code (MG)
– Back to us and confirm payment
For each $10 spent, you will receive 1 point, translating to a $0.5 savings on your following purchase.
Total of your points you may check on your shop account here: MY POINTS
Use it in checkout, in first step in checkout you will have info how much points you have, use REDEEM option there, write how much points you want use and redeem them, points will be converted to $ and added as discount in your cart.
When your current Order have ORDER SHIPPED Status
You have 180 days to use it from moment when you order change status info SHIPPED.
If you will not use it in that time they will be canceled without possibility to restore it, you will lose your points.
For all products that are available on our shop excluding discounted products.
USA-made products shipped domestically come with higher price tags, but guarantee freedom from seizure risks.
European – products from secure & countries are shipped internationally, resulting in longer delivery times, but lower costs for EP products globally
About Euro-Pharmacies oil you may read on their site here: EURO-PHARMACIES
More details you may find also here: EP OIL
Such thing is caused low temperature and looks like on photo below, easy to fix, please red: CRASHED GEAR
It’s easy, go to producer’s website: EURO-PHARMACIES
and just check that our site is “APPROVED”
Well this is not typically normal, but it’s certainly not out of the ordinary.
What could sometimes happen most especially during the colder seasons, and during transit with the fluctuations of temperatures going up and down, from something being inside of a train, or an aircraft or a vehicle, then being brought into a warehouse where there’s different temperatures, and then brought back out into the elements all over again, with the temperatures changing the stopper in the glass vial/ and So on can sometimes shrink and swell with the temperatures.
This is on such a small, microscopic miniscule level where a slight amount of oil will come out. You’ll notice there will not be the presence of the actual oil, but just a slight itty bitty residual.
Thank goodness for the viscosity of the oil getting thicker with the cold temperatures.
During the summertime this doesn’t normally happen.
But it’s not unheard of during the winter time.
Now regardless of the calibration with the crimping devices, This honestly can happen to just a small few out of 100’s..
Now if you line up all of your products, if you look at the volume line you’ll see that there’s almost zero fluctuation. That’s how much of a small trace comes out.
Now we’re not suggesting that this is the case, but without seeing your product, without opening it or seeing the packaging, this would be the first thing that we would assume.
If you have any more questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out and ask.